Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Motivation

It's Monday Motivation over at Sparkplug CEO. You post your goals for the day and the week and then also your consequences....if you complete your tasks or not. I call them my To-Do Lists over at After The Dust Settles and I post them daily there. No consequences though...they just help keep me organized. Anyway, it's monday and I thought I would post my Monday To-Do List over here at SuperWAHMz and link along with Sparkplug CEO. Except that apparently I am up and at the computer earlier than they are. As soon as they get their post up, I will link to it.
  1. do paperwork for piggy banks to ship out today
  2. pack up those piggy banks
  3. capture the $
  4. email customers their piggy banks shipped
  5. check and see how kiln fired (fingers are crossed) I figured out what the problem was and now I can get it to fire correctly! Wahoo! Will post about that later : )
  6. write a post for SuperWAHMz
  7. write a post for After the Dust Settles
  8. finish laundry
  9. sweep kitchen/basement steps
  10. make pasta for hubby's lunch for the week
  11. print up new orders

That's it for today....and that's quite a long list. If I get it all done, I will have a Mudslide before I go to bed. If I don't get it done, I will give up my diet dr. pepper for a day. I don't think I could last longer than a day : )

Now, for the rest of the week....

  1. I'll need to pour my molds a couple times
  2. paint some plates
  3. scoop the poop
  4. read some blogs
  5. write some posts
  6. prepare myself for Eowyn coming home for a few days (that ought to be interesting)
  7. process orders
  8. paint some piggy banks
  9. go through stuff for garage sale next month
  10. print some how to fliers
  11. print some biz cards
  12. write more bills on index cards

And now I better get my paperwork started or my mailman will be here before I have anything packed. Later I will post something inspiring interesting real about working at home : ) TTFN!

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