Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Motivation

Sometimes as a wahm, I feel like a hamster in a wheel *sigh* Running as fast as I can and never getting anywhere. In my never ending quest to catch up on work and BE caught up, here is my monday to-do list:
  1. get rid of dead bat on front porch (oh yeah, what a way to start the day. read more about my dead critter problems at After the Dust Settles... )
  2. glaze piggy banks
  3. fire those piggy banks
  4. start cleaning some new piggy banks.
  5. clean dinnerware for watermelon design order
  6. pick up Eowyn at airport tonight. (I hope her flight is on time)
  7. maybe scoop poop.
  8. take down garage sale signs
  9. go to bank to deposit millions made at garage sale (not really, but I have to get some coin wrappers to deposit the hundreds of coins we have now)

Hmmm....that may be it for now. No weekly goals yet, I have to think about those : )

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