Today I am bogged down by web site problems - ugh! Well, it's a good and bad thing. My site was moved over the weekend to a new server and that always causes my email to get whacked out and for some reason the site gets goofed up in the move. It's a behind the scenes thing that I know nothing about and leave up to my web designer/hosters, Sherri & Kathie over at They do a great job, but glitches happen in the computer world and now we just have to get them straightened back out again. The good part is that in the end, it will be better for and the sale of my personalized pillowcases!
I'm going to bounce back to Lynn's dessert post now. I love dessert! A week ago I signed up for Martha Stewarts "cookie of the day" email! OMG! YUM is all there is to it. OK, so I haven't made any of them yet, but today I go shopping for ingredients for what appears to be just the yummiest cookies. We're talking easy to make, not some ridiculous fancy shmancy dessert.
I also did it to keep me focused on what is important - my kids and husband who love cookies.
Sometimes with all the "to do" lists in the summer, for some reason baking gets lost in the shuffle. Partly because it's hot and who wants the oven on. But it is a good excuse to turn the AC on!
Going back to "work" now. It's time to look at my list. Which I'm not making public because it's not been formalized yet! A few weeks ago I mentioned my Keepsake Calendars but never got back around to focusing on promoting them. A little more background on them...I created them out of desperation when my oldest son turned 13 months old. I NEVER filled out his baby book - who has time? But I was loyal to his Winnie the Pooh sticker calendar. So, I started printing out blank calendar pages to write in all the "stuff" he was doing.
The "Toddler Year Photo/Sticker Keepsake Calendar" was born! Since you can't find a "start at any month" calendar for anything other than "Baby's First Year", I knew other moms MUST be looking for the something like this and decided to add it to the Comfy Cozy line of products.
To make them more personal, instead of just putting some cute design on each monthly page, there is a "picture frame" so you can put a REAL TIME photo of your child PLUS there are lists of "favorites" for each month:

I love looking back and seeing the "little things" that our boys did, because after all, it's the little things in life that count most.
Well, better get to making that list and then getting this WAHM to WORK!
Remember, it's still Christmas in July at 20% off all orders in July!!
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